Johanna Roggan
JohannaRoggan founded the guts company in 2013. For the season 2015/ 16 to 2016/ 17 she and her company received the two year funding "Doppelpass" by the German Federal Cultural Foundation together with the Societaetstheater Dresden. In 2017 her dance-theatre piece Das Eigene/HEIMAT won the dance award of the free state of Saxony Ursula-Cain-advancementaward.
In 2017/18 Johanna is one out of four artistic directors of the TANZFONDS ERBE project "BautznerStraße 107, Past Present Furture" funded by the German Federal CulturalFoundation which includes symposia, specialist conferences, performances andeducation programs focussing the dance icon Mary Wigman. The project isinitiated by the non-profit organisation Villa Wigman für TANZ e.V.