Caroline Beach
Caroline Beach is a Texas born choreographer, performer, dancer, musician, and well-rounded nonsense person based in Dresden and Berlin. She has made work for proscenium theaters, non-proscenium theaters, dance universities, festivals, galleries, off-spaces, the undersides of bridges, various basements, bars, the Internet, and most recently, her furniture. Her work is interdisciplinary in nature but finds its roots in the lived experiences of the body. She is interested in making process-based art that reveals the complex ecologies of both humans and non-humans, the mathematical logic of absurdity, and the profound empathy that can be found through rituals of failure. She holds an MA in Choreography from the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden, is a guest artist for the Dresden Semperoper Ballett, performs with Go Plastic, and collaborates frequently with other artists.